P-04-507 A Welsh bill of rights for women and girls: adhering to CEDAW

Petition wording:

We call upon the National Assembly for Wales to urge the Welsh Government to adhere to the principles of the international Convention for the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). This would allow the Welsh Government to display a clear commitment to women’s equality in Wales and ensure clear priorities for achieving this.


Additional information:

Why we want to start this petition

There are 30 articles in the convention which detail the rights of women and girls.  The articles cover all issues affecting women’s equality such as stereotyping, equal pay, violence against women and women in public life.  We believe that in adhering to the principles of the convention women in Wales will be represented fully on an international level and enable us (WEN Wales), as an umbrella organisation to help to build a fairer society for women across Wales.


The action we want the NAW to take

In adhering to the principles of the convention the NAW will display a clear commitment to women’s equality in Wales, forming the basis of decisions on the priorities and objectives of the Welsh Government and building into a set of core aims for all women across Wales.


Any action we have already taken (e.g. letters sent to or received from Welsh Government)


On 21st June, women from across Wales will come together to explore CEDAW and discuss the tools available to help women in Wales achieve gender equality at a conference organised by WEN Wales.  A number of prominent activists from equality organisations across the UK will address the conference and attendees will be able to share their views on what can be done in Wales to support women to live free and equal lives. 


Board members have also contacted Bethan Jenkins AM and presented the Minister with a statement of opinion.  We are awaiting details on the Minister’s support of the adherence to the CEDAW convention.


Full account of petition

WENWalesis a community of organisations and individuals working to advance the rights of women in all spheres of Welsh life. We want to create a fairer society in which women live free from sexism and gender discrimination and enjoy equality in all aspects of their daily lives. The role of WENWales is to facilitate communication between our members; to help them coordinate their work and work in partnership and to represent women’s interests at all levels of government.


About the campaign

WEN Wales is calling on the Welsh Government to ratify the international Convention for the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against women.


This would allow the Welsh Government to display a clear commitment to women’s equality in Wales and ensure clear priorities for achieving this.



About the convention

The Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is an international document which lists the rights of all girls and women.  It is an important agreement about gender equality which says that all forms of discrimination against girls/women must end.


The convention:

-          Lists the rights of all women and girls

-          Was accepted by the UN in 1979

-          Is ratified by 186 countries throughout the world

-          Calls for action to ensure equal access, opportunities and results

-          Requires Governments to make sure that nothing stops women and girls from enjoying their rights (including stereotypes)

-          Covers direct and indirect discrimination

-          Demands that a Government change laws and customs


There are 30 articles in the convention which detail the rights of women and girls.  The articles cover all issues affecting women’s equality such as stereotyping, equal pay, violence against women and women in public life.


CEDAW conference

On 21st June, women from across Wales will come together to explore CEDAW and discuss the tools available to help women in Wales achieve gender equality.


A number of prominent activists from equality organisations across the UK will address the conference and attendees will be able to share their views on what can be done in Wales to support women to live free and equal lives.


Petition raised by:  Women’s Equality Network Wales


Date petition first considered by Committee: 8 October 2013


Number of signatures: 152